Are you a lender?
Yes, we are a direct lender.
Do you have any upfront fees?
Yes, we require a nominal good faith deposit.
Please specify the upfront fees?
Mainly used for legal fee, credit check, title searches and appraisal fee. Any remaining balance will be refunded.
Do you charge an application fee?
We do NOT charge application fee.
Are there conditions on your loan types?
Yes. It must be non-owner occupied and investment properties.
What type of properties do you finance?
Multi-Unit Homes, Duplexes, Condominiums, Townhomes, Commercial Buildings, Single Family Residences, Warehouses, Storage and Mixed-Use Properties.
How fast can you fund?
As quick as 7-10 business days.
Up to 70% LTV.
Do you allow 2nd liens on your loans?
2nd liens on our transactions are not allowed.
Do you cross-collaterize loans?
Yes, we can cross-collaterize loans.
Minimum FICO score?
We do not have a minimum FICO Score requirement.
Green Card Holder or US Citizen.